Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Larry Norman

Been reading some interesting things about Larry's death, and watched a few YouTube videos of him (best of the bunch is him playing with Mike Roe). Seen Larry in concert quite a few times over the years (gotta pull out the bootleg tape I made of him once) and have always appreciated his humour and songwriting. Played his "Great American Novel" at a coffeehouse last year - it's still an amazingly relevant commentary on our world. Loaded a bunch of his stuff onto my iPod last night and will have to start relistening. A 2000 performance of "Moses" is on the net, maybe I should work it up.
Working my way through Oliver Sacks' latest book "Musicophilia" about the brain and music. Some fascinating stories included. We have such limited understanding of the intricacies of how the mind works. What if we could use our brains' full potential?
Picked up David Wilcox's new release "Airstream" through iTunes. Bound to be excellent. 

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